CSRS is excited about the recent kick-off its Chennault International Airport Authority Development initiative, anticipated to become a signature project that involves P3 initiatives.
Chennault’s vision for the future of its airport facility is to expand air hangar and freight facilities on-campus through development of a 221-acre site—a vision that includes provision of access to Union Pacific rail lines. Chennault hired CSRS to assist and guide them through the Public-Private Partnership arrangement. Through interviews with Chennault’s board members, executives, and community stakeholders CSRS will quantify and perform extensive due diligence on the proposed development property. CSRS expects the Chennault expansion, when successfully completed, will have far-reaching positive effects for the airport, the region, the state, and even the country.
Mr. Randy Robb, Executive Director
Chennault International Airport Authority
3650 Sen. J. Bennett Johnston Ave.
Lake Charles, LA 70615
(337) 491-9961