Lafayette LA-182 University Avenue Corridor Study
Services Provided
Master Plan Development
Data Gathering
Work Plan Development
Community Outreach
Project Consulting Services
Planning Administration
Utility Coordination
Concept Design
Master Plan Development
The revitalization of the University Avenue Corridor (the Corridor) is a priority project for the City and Parish of Lafayette due to its rich history and strategic location, both for local access and statewide access. University Avenue once served as a primary route connecting Carencro to the core of Lafayette, and the Corridor was a vibrant hub of business and commercial activity. Unfortunately, the construction of I-10, Evangeline Thruway, Ambassador Caffery, and I-49 significantly changed traffic patterns and the Corridor has since experienced a significant decline in real estate and commercial activity.
The goal for the CSRS team was to deliver a corridor planning study that builds upon the vision for the University Avenue Corridor in Plan Lafayette as a vibrant, multi-modal, and mixed-use corridor that adds value to its surrounding communities by providing specific recommendations and actionable steps to implement the vision and catalyze economic growth along the corridor.
Phase I of the project is intended to develop a Project Strategy and Project Master Plan that provides the framework for future design, right of way requirements, construction, and economic development incentives necessary to implement the project. Phase I project management services for master planning will include data gathering, public outreach and awareness, project consulting services, planning administration, and corridor master planning.
Project Success
Our planning approach included a market study to identify the highest and best uses for the redevelopment of some of the larger “catalytic” sites along the corridor. The market study identified target uses and our planning team worked with the client to develop prototype projects with the goal of attracting new investment to the sites that will transform the corridor and foster further investment along the corridor. Shortly after completion of the corridor master plan, a development proposal was submitted and accepted for the redevelopment of one of the catalytic sites. Construction completion is scheduled for late 2021 or early 2022.
Project Challenges and Solutions
Decades of disinvestment in the area provided a unique challenge for our team as conventional methods of financing improvements would not be effective for this area. Our unique approach attracted new development and new private investment. Additionally, the corridor master plan served as a basis for securing a $10M Federal BUILD grant for additional infrastructure improvements along the corridor.
Acadiana Metropolitan Planning Organization