Florida Disaster Recovery Oversight & Monitoring – CDBG-DR
2019 - Present
Services Provided
O&M Program Management
Housing Repair and Reconstruction Monitoring
Monitoring review and oversight
FL DEO engaged a multi-faceted team to provide monitoring review and oversight for the over billion dollars in HUD Community Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds received in response to hurricane disasters in 2016 and 2017. The team provides expertise in program and grants compliance across the spectrum of housing reconstruction, home buyouts and acquisitions, infrastructure repair and improvements and economic revitalization. CSRS, Inc. serves as a subcontractor to Horne, LLP and provides senior leadership on the overall management of the scopes of work, deliverables and quality of the oversight and monitoring team. The initial assignment is delivery of a risk assessment and monitoring plan for the $773.5 Million of CDBG-DR funds allocated to six programs for long-term recovery efforts following Hurricane Irma. The work also includes establishing ongoing Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) protocols and reviews across programs throughout their implementation.
Program Monitoring
QA/QC for Program Implementation
Program Design and Implementation Oversight
Federal Grants Compliance
HUD CDBG-DR Monitoring Compliance
The Irma recovery funds are being closely audited by the HUD Office of Inspector General. The team has assisted DEO in preparation for the monitoring visits and viewed as a vital partnering in reducing and responding to any audit or compliance issues. The team is particularly focused on mitigating any instances of funds payback or recapture.
Additional disasters such as Hurricane Michael have put a strain on the ongoing recovery efforts from earlier disasters. The O&M team has vast experiences in managing multiple disaster concurrently and is engaged to assist DEO across several disasters, including future needs.
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)