Louisiana Housing Corporation Environmental Review Services
Services Provided
Environmental Review Services
Environmental Review Services
CSRS was selected by the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) to conduct and manage a wide array of environmental services for applicants seeking financial assistance through programs administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
These environmental services and clearances were necessary to replace the vast amount of housing stock lost in the Great Flood of 2016. CSRS continues to work hand-in-hand with LHC and the Community Housing Development Organizations across the state. Our shared purpose and need are to add affordable housing units to the local markets that are environmentally safe and healthy. To ensure the objectives are met, CSRS oversees an array of environmental reviews for HUD programs that include Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) for BR Rebuilds, Neighborhood Landlord Rental Program, and Multi-Family Restoration Loan Fund, as well as HOME Investment Partnership Programs.
CSRS is responsible for delivering quality work products to LHC that comply with HUD regulations. We establish and complete the Environmental Review Record (ERR) and the Administrative Record. The ERR includes full Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Tier II EAs conducted in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58. The EAs may include 8-Step Floodplain Analysis, Section 106 Consultations with the Tribal and State Historic Preservation Office, Section 404 permitting with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Noise Assessments. Depending upon the project, environmental review services may also include due diligence Environmental Site Assessments per ASTM E1527, lead-based paint assessments, asbestos surveys, and termite clearances.
To aid in the selection of available sites that were suitable for new construction, CSRS developed an environmental checklist that guided the applicant and identified time-consuming delays (i.e. zoning, noise, floodplain, and wetland development). Most importantly, CSRS saved time and money by grouping properties that were geographically connected and situated in similar environmental conditions into one seamless review.
Some regulatory agencies have lengthy review periods and processing time. CSRS helped streamline compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For projects located with a Sole Source Aquifer, EPA agreed to a blanket authorization for renovation and rehabilitation projects. To aid with compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, CSRS initiated early Section 106 Consultation with the Tribal and State Historic Preservation Officers to identify standing structures, archeological and cultural resources.
Louisiana Housing Corporation