Louisiana State Capitol Building Exterior Rehabilitation and Roof Restoration
2024 to Present
Services Provided
Project Management
Owner Representation
Pre-Construction Coordination
Contract Compliance
Document & Schedule Review
Stakeholder Coordination
Construction Monitoring
Issue Resolution
Leading the Restoration and Preservation of the Iconic Louisiana State Capitol
CSRS provides comprehensive project management and owner-representation services for the Louisiana State Capitol Building's exterior waterproofing and reroofing project in Baton Rouge. This significant multi-phase project is designed to rehabilitate and waterproof the iconic 30-story Capitol Building tower while addressing critical structural steel deficiencies and replacing the building's roof surfaces. A key element of the project is the restoration of the existing limestone cladding, which will be carefully removed, reinstalled, and honed as part of the corrective work. Phases 1 and 2 have already rehabilitated the lower portions of the building, and CSRS is now leading Phases 3 and 4, which will complete the rehabilitation of the remaining tower and lower roofs.
As Project Manager and Owner-Representative for this construction management-at-risk project, CSRS is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the work from pre-construction to the warranty phase. This includes coordinating pre-construction efforts, overseeing the Designer completing the design work, and managing advance construction starts.
CSRS also plays a critical role in monitoring contractual compliance, reviewing project documents, schedules, and cost estimates, and ensuring that all parties are aligned. Our team facilitates communication between the contractor, Facility Planning & Control (FP&C), the Office of State Buildings, State Capitol Building management, and building users to ensure that the project moves forward smoothly. Additionally, we oversee construction phase monitoring and address any issues that arise, ensuring they are resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner. Through proactive management and clear communication, CSRS is helping the State of Louisiana preserve and protect this landmark building, ensuring its structural integrity and functionality for decades to come.
State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Facility Planning and Control